Friday, November 13, 2009

How to Pull Off the Greatest Revenge on the Person That Did You Wrong!

Cost of Revenge

What brought this hub to mind was an article I read recently about an IT admin employee who is sitting in jail because he password protected a large portion of the City of Makati's computer system and added some extras and will not divulge the password. They say they don't know why he has done this, but then proceeded to say he was given a bad performance review. The (I'm assuming now ex) IT employee has given several passwords to the police after his arrest, but each one so far has been the wrong one. He refuses to give the right password. Talk about revenge! I guess he was more than a little upset by his bad review.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who originally said the quote, " With great power, comes great responsibility"?

The most popular source of this quote is from Ben Parker, Peter Parker's uncle who raised him. These are of course fictional characters and the writing would be that of Stan Lee.

However the phrase is of much more antiquated origins and quotes similar to it can be found all the way back to ancient Greece. One such would be Socrates 'rule worthy of might.'

How about you? Do you feel like having this Phrase?
Nararamdaman ko na kase.....


Good luck to myself..

Saturday, November 07, 2009

good morning....

what a great sunday morning... im still awake for 23 hours.
nakakapagod din pala..